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We cut 50% off all plugins prices during our anniversary celebration

Highrise Theme

Get modern customizable and colorful look for your Redmine with this theme.



An open and responsive Redmine and RedmineUP plugins theme with scalable design to fit all browser widths/resolutions and attractive, customizable header colors with main menu position.

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Highrise theme is compatible with the latest Redmine v2.2.x. It is tested in and supported by major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.


  1. Download the theme
  2. Unzip it into ../public/themes/. This would result in a directory-path to application.css like:


  3. You now may need to restart Redmine so that it shows the newly installed theme in the list of available themes.
  4. Go to "Administration -> Settings" -> "Display" and select your newly created theme in the "Theme" drop-down list. Save your settings.
  5. Redmine should now be displayed using the selected theme.

Change the logo and colors

  1. Change imported file name to red.css, green.css, grey.css or dark_grey.css, in line 2
  2. Change padding in line 6 to iterate your logo (logo file should be present in /public/themes/highrise/images/logo.png )
  3. @import url(../../../stylesheets/application.css);
    @import url(blue.css);
    #header > h1 {
        background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat -2px -5px;
        padding: 5px 50px; /* Change this for set your own logo*/
        text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);

Set Left Side Menu

Uncomment third line in /public/themes/highrise/stylesheets/application.css

@import url(left_menu.css);

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v1.1.2 - 17 October 2013

  • Contacts 3.2.6 support (tags)
  • redmine_tags plugin support
  • Search field styles

v1.1.1 - 12 September 2011

* Redmine 2.2 support * CRM plugin 3.1 support * Invoices plugin 2.0.1 support * Helpdesk plugin 2.1.0 support * Retina display support (thumbnails, contacts avatars, logo